Portfolio Allocation and Investment Recommendations

Take a 30,000 Foot View Across All Your Accounts

Most people have accumulated a hodge-podge of accounts such as 401(k)s, 403(b)s, IRAs, Roths, brokerage accounts, etc. Many of us manage each of these accounts individually. Doing so makes it hard to know if you are taking too much risk or not taking enough risk to meet your goals.

When was the last time you looked at your accounts holistically with a target asset allocation in mind? If it’s been a while or never, sounds like it’s time for a portfolio check in! Let’s make sure your asset allocation matches your risk tolerance and is aligned with your goals. Make an appointment today and put yourself on track to meet your goals.

Putting the Right Investments In the Right Accounts

Another key component of investing success is holding the right investments in the right accounts. You should ideally put your most tax-inefficient investments in the most tax-efficient accounts.

Is it time for you to review your holdings and rebalance them into the right accounts? Click here to set up a time to discuss.